At the age of twenty years, a lady in Winchester, Iowa, began to lose her health, and in a short time was confined to her bed. And she writes; “In addition to this, I lost the use of my eyes, and was blind and helpless, a greater portion of my time, for five years.
“I enjoyed the blessing of prayer and trust some six months before feeling at liberty to pray for the healing of my body; fearing I should desire it without due submission to God’s will. It was with fear and trembling that I first made known this request. Though my pleadings in this direction were earnest, and often agonizing, yet I could say with a fervor as never before: "Not my will but Thine be done."
“About the end of November, or early in December, 1873, I realized that my faith was perfect, that I was ready now to be healed; that my faith was momentarily waiting on God, and resting without a doubt on the promises. From this time forward, my faith remained fixed with but one exception. During the time between December, 1873, and July 1874, I was healed to such an extent that I could walk some, and see more or less every day, though sometimes with only one of my eyes.
A portion of this time, I felt as though in a furnace of fire; but amid the flames, I realized the presence of the Son of God, who said: ‘I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction.’ This for a time seemed an answer to my petition, and so I thought it my life work to suffer. For a while my faith became inactive, and I almost ceased praying for my health. Though I felt submissive, yet somehow I was soon crying, and that most instinctively: "Thou Son of David, have mercy on me!" After this, my faith did not waver. Oh, the lesson of patience I learned in thus waiting on God’s good time! And with what comfort could I present my body an offering to Him, realizing that as soon as at all possible with His will, I should be healed; I had an assurance of this, but did not know whether it would be during life, or accomplished only at death.
In this manner I waited before God until the morning of the 26th of July, when, without ecstasy of joy, or extra illumination, came a sense of the presence of Jesus, and a presentation of this gift, accompanied with these words: "Here is the gift for which you have been praying; are you willing to receive it?"
I at first felt the incoming of the Divine power at the parts affected, steadily driving out the disease, until death was swallowed up in victory. I at once arose from my bed, and proceeded to work about the house, to the great astonishment of my friends, some of whom thought me wild; but I continued my work, assuring them that Jesus had healed me. Realizing the scrutiny and doubt with which I was observed, I said to my father: "What do you think?" He replied: "It is supernatural power; no one can deny it."
“My healing took place on Wednesday; on Saturday I was persuaded to lie down, but found the bed was no place for me; I thought of Peter’s wife’s mother, who arose and ministered to them, I knew that to her, strength as well as health was instantly given, as in the case of the palsied man, who rose, took up his bed, and departed. I returned to my work, backing my experience with those in God’s word, and since then have not lain down during the daytime.
My friends could not realize the completeness of the cure, until I read a full hour, and that by lamplight, and until asked to desist, the first opportunity after being healed.
A week from this time, I discharged the hired girl, taking charge of the household work, which I have continued with perfect ease. About four weeks after my healing, I had occasion to walk four miles, which I did with little or no weariness. Let me add, to the praise of God, that I have no disease whatever. Am able to do more hard work with less weariness than at any other period in my life, and faith in the Lord is the balm that made me whole.” -
- Selected
Touching Incidents and Remarkable Answers to Prayer - 1893