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Revival at Harvey, Illinois

During the spring of 1892, we held a five-weeks revival meeting in the Methodist Episcopal Church, in Harvey, the new temperance town near Chicago, Ill. A series of meetings had closed but a few weeks before, and the church was divided, and some were doing all in their power to undermine and destroy the influence of the godly pastor.

From a human standpoint, it looked almost like presumption to commence a protracted effort under such unfavorable circumstances. Yet, in spite of the discouragements, we felt the call was from God, and were given an inspiration of prayer for the town. We prayed especially for help, and God sent two devoted sisters from Chicago, and one from Rockford, to our aid.

After a few days of great burden of soul for the work, the Lord moved in power among the people, and from that time they came in great crowds. The work done was thus reported by Evangelist Sarah A. Cooke (one of the workers mentioned above), in the Highway and Banner of Holiness;

“Harvey has never had such a shaking up as this before,’ said the janitor of the Methodist church, as we looked on the display of the Lord’s power moving on the people. Night after night the altar has been filled with seekers, and deep conviction has taken hold of many, long hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. In one of the factories they have commenced a noonday prayer-meeting, and another in the academy; the principal of which has been gloriously sanctified during the revival, and, like a fire in his bones, the love of God has burned. ‘I believe,’ he said in a testimony, a few nights ago, ‘I can claim the whole academy for Christ.’ Twenty-three the other afternoon professed they had found the Lord.

“No church is preached, no creed (save the apostles’), no dogma, just, ‘All have sinned and come short of the glory of God;’ ‘Except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish;’ and the faithful saying: ‘Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners, even the chief;’ and God, as ever honors His own word.

Brother S.B. Shaw, of Michigan, is in charge. Weeping between the porch and the altar, realizing the awful responsibility of standing between the living and the dead, and by faith taking hold of God by the mighty arms of faith and prayer, he leads the work on gloriously.”

Of the same meeting, Sister Abbie Mills, author of "Quiet Hallelujahs” and “Whispers of the Comforter,” wrote to the Christian Witness:

“I am here beholding the works of the Lord. In this place, known to all that are afar off, as well as to them that are nigh, the people of God are getting clear titles to the reserved inheritance, incorruptible, undefiled, and that will endure when Harvey is no more. I came here on Thursday, thinking to make a very short stay, but found the people engaged in a holiness meeting, under the leadership of Brother Shaw, of Michigan. The interest is growing, and some are getting clean hearts, and being filled with the Holy Ghost daily.

Yesterday (Sabbath) was a day of much blessing. The class meeting at the noon-hour was glorious. Several crossed over into Beulah-land, one aged brother leaving his tobacco behind. At 3 P. M., Sister Cooke, of Chicago, held a children’s meeting. In the evening the church was very full. After the sermon by Brother Shaw, the altar filled twice, while first on one side, then on the other, the cleansed would arise to testify and give their place to others. Far out in the congregation also, there were some on their knees, seeking a God who was not afar off. I had thought my work for the winter about over, but am constrained to tarry here this week, and hope to see an increased outpour or downpour of salvation.”

Touching Incidents and Remarkable Answers to Prayer - 1893


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