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Remarkable Healing of Mrs. Susan E. Miller

When I was twelve years of age I felt the need of a new heart. I asked God for it, and He gave it to me. I am now forty-six years old, and oh, how wonderfully the Lord has led me! I must say, there is nothing so grand and glorious as to know that we are of God’s chosen ones.

When I came to Grand Rapids five years ago I became acquainted with S. B. Shaw (President of the Michigan Holiness Association), and his very worthy wife. I saw them live by faith alone for all things, both spiritual and temporal.; and of them I learned how to consecrate myself wholly unto the Lord.

I had been afflicted with rheumatism from a child; and had spent large sums of money for my recovery, but could only find relief for a few weeks at a time. I was sick and helpless in bed with inflammatory rheumatism, when I heard through Mrs. Shaw of Mrs. Dora Griffin. I sent for her to anoint me. After she had done so, and while she was praying for my recovery, the Lord touched my body, and I was healed that very same hour, and have never been troubled with rheumatism since; praise God!

One year after this, the piles came upon me, and I suffered greatly. After trying many remedies and doctors without relief, I said: “The Lord has healed me, and He will heal me again; " so I went to the “Beulah" rest, and after prayer and anointing, I was healed, and went home happy, healed and saved in both soul and body; praise His name forever!

Dear friends, you who are sick of sin and sick in body, come to Jesus, and be healed, soul and body. -- Mrs. Susan E. Miller

Touching Incidents and Remarkable Answers to Prayer - 1893


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