An illustrious example of constancy and power in prayer, we find in John Wesley : “It is said that “as a matter of habit and rule, John Wesley’s ordinary private praying consumed two hours a day.” At times he would gather his company and pray all night, or till the power of God came down. Nothing was considered too great or too small to take to the Lord.

Seized with a pain in the midst of his preaching, so that he could not speak, “I know my remedy,” he says, and immediately kneeled down. In a moment the pain was gone, and the voice of the Lord cried aloud to sinners. Being seized with a pain, fever and cough, so that he could scarcely speak, “I called on Jesus aloud to increase my faith. While I was speaking my pain vanished away, my fever left me, and my bodily strength returned.”
The elements, as well as sickness, were often in his way, and prayer removed the hindrances. “Just as I began to preach the sun broke out and shone exceedingly hot on my head. I found if it continued, I should not be able to speak long, and I lifted up my heart to God. In a minute or two it was covered with clouds which continued till the service was over.” And he says: “Let any one who please call this chance, I call it an answer to prayer.” It was raining, and Wesley and his congregation were crowded out of the church, and the rain ceased the moment they came out. He says in regard to this incident:
“How many proofs must we have that there is no petition too little, any more than too great, for God to grant?”
Wesley moved things mightily, because he moved God mightily. He became the prince of evangelists, because he was the prince of prayers. He stirred the world with the fire of his zeal, because he had stirred Heaven by the fire of his prayers. His pleas had access to men’s consciences, because they had access to God. If more men prayed as John Wesley prayed, there would be more of John Wesley’s thoroughly spiritual work done.
— Prevailing Prayer, by Wigle
Touching Incidents and Remarkable Answers to Prayer - 1893