By our request, Brother L.G. Whitney, a reliable Christian man, of Hemlock, Mich., writes us of a remarkable interposition of Providence in reference to his field of corn. This is his story:

“Two years ago, the seed-corn in this part of the country proved poor -- not having sufficiently ripened the previous year. I saw an advertisement of a ninety-days corn, and sent to Pennsylvania and obtained enough to plant eleven acres. It grew rapidly, and became tall and stout. When other corn was out of the way of the frost, mine was just beginning to fill.
One day as I was walking through it, I realized that it could not come to maturity. I fell on my knees, and talked to my heavenly Father about it. I well remember how I addressed Him, saying: "Father, I have been deceived in this corn; according to the season and the nature of the corn it cannot ripen. But, Father, it is in Thy hands, I have given myself and all I have into Thy care. It is only by Thy power that this field of corn can ever ripen. Thy will be done. I will not complain." While I was thus addressing Him, heavenly peace filled my soul.
Frost after frost came, and froze ice as thick as a window-glass. My neighbors would say: ‘ What is the matter with Whitney’s corn that the frosts do not kill it?’ It stood like a green forest through all the frosts till it ripened.
I never had such a crop of corn before or since. I know the Lord will answer the prayers of the faithful in heart, and 'no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.’
-Touching Incidents and Remarkable Answers to Prayer - 1893