In 1890, Sister K. J. Convers, of Stanton, Mich., wrote us of her remarkable recovery through the faith and prayers of Sister N.G. Fisher, of the same place. We are well acquainted with these saints of God, and know the circumstances as related to be reliable. Sister Convers’ statement is as follows:
In the year 1885, I was healed by the hand of God, and am still telling of His power, and praising Him for His love to me. At that time I had had poor health for a number of years, but for several weeks previous to my healing was dangerously ill. I went to a great many doctors. They all said I must die. The last one who came said I could not live but a short time. But in early life I gave my heart to God, and, so was only waiting for Him to take me home.
March 1, 1885, I was taken worse. Friends came to see me, expecting it would be the last time. Brother and Sister Honer sat up with me. In the morning, just before they started home, he said: “Sister Convers, at half past two, look to God. We will remember you in prayer for your healing.”
For nearly a year before, every time I saw Sister Fisher she would say that God wanted to cure me. I would answer: “I would like to get well;” but that was about all the thought I ever gave it, until God fitted me for the work to be done. At the time Brother and Sister Honer appointed for special prayer, I was taken very bad. Every time I coughed they had to raise me to keep me from strangling; and that time when I laid down I saw Sister Fisher standing at the foot of my bed, while at the same time she was one mile away praying for me.
Just by her side I saw the blessed Savior standing. I saw His hand pointing toward me, and heard Him say “If you take that medicine you will surely die at four in the afternoon.” God sent Sister Fisher to see me. He came with her, and filled both of us with His blessed faith; praise His name! I had consumption. My lungs were so nearly gone that my voice could only be heard in a faint whisper. I had heart-disease, and a tumor in my right side, so that I could not touch my feet by bending over. My left side had been struck with paralysis, and my hand was helpless. Had ulcers on my liver, and had not lain on my left side for six months.
It was just half past four when Sister Fisher came, and at half past six I was a well woman, and up off from my bed, praising God for what He had done for me. I felt God’s hand laid on every diseased spot. When the hand was laid on my arm, I felt the hand so plainly I could tell the side the fingers were on. When it passed off from my arm, the Lord said to me: “Now can you raise clean hands?” My husband said my hand went up; I held it there one hour without even moving a finger.
One Monday evening after God healed me, I walked one mile to church, and told what God had done for me. It has been five years since God healed me, and I keep well, by having faith in Him; and when I feel badly I just ask God to keep me well, and I have faith He will, and He does. My faith is strong today. If God can save us from sin, He is able to heal our bodies. I have laid aside medicine, and taken God for my physician, and am telling to everybody what God can do, if we will believe His word. Praise His matchless name forever! O you of little faith, take God at His word and be healed.
Touching Incidents and Remarkable Answers to Prayer - 1893