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The Widow's Prayer Answered
A captain’s widow, whom I knew for many years of our chapel, was much concerned for the conversion of her son, who was a sailor. For a...

Remarkable Prayer of Missionary Cox and His Brother, for His Brother
Melville B. Cox was the first missionary of the Methodist Episcopal Church to Africa. He labored in Liberia but a short time, and died....

Triumphant Death of Three Children
Three children of Brother and Sister I.L. Miller, of Sycamore, O., died about the beginning of 1893, of diphtheria. Brother Miller wrote...

Edward Payson, A Man Who Prayed Without Ceasing
This well-known man of God was for many years pastor of the Congregational Church at Portland, Me. His remarkable success was, to a very...

The Dying Boy
But I have another anecdote to tell. It was Ralph Wallace who told me of this one. A certain gentleman was a member of the Presbyterian...

A Dying Child's Prayer for Her Drunken Father
A child from a poor family had an intemperate father, who often used to abuse his wife and children. This child had been to the...

How Three Sunday-School Children Met Their Fate
When the Lawrence Mills were on fire a number of years ago—I don’t mean on fire, but when the mill fell in—the great mill fell in, and...

“I’m so glad you have come!”
I believe it to be a great characteristic of the American heart, that it clings to home and mother. I remember passing over a...
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Dying Words of Miss Mary Willard
This devoted young lady was the sister of the well-known Frances E. Willard. She left this vale of tears June 8th, 1862. The record of...

There is No Rest in Hell
About ninety years ago, there was in Glasgow a club of gentlemen of the first rank in that city. They met professedly for card-playing,...

Little Jennie's Sickness and Death - By Her Mother
Little Jennie was eight years old, March 30, 1886. The following April, she was taken very sick, and from that time until June 4, she...

The Dying Babe
The following extract from an anonymous contribution in the New York Methodist, tells a story which many parents could adopt as their...
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The Dying Newsboy
In a dark alley in the great city of New York, a small, ragged boy might be seen. He appeared to be about twelve years old, and had a...

Visions of Heaven and Hell
In the “Life of William Tennent,” that zealous, devoted minister, and friend and fellow-laborer of Whitefield, the author of his memoirs...

Dying in Despair
The following certified incident from real life we select from correspondence of the Canada Christian Advocate: A man who had indulged...
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Waiting for the Angelic Convoy
Seldom is the serenely expectant spirit of the dying Christian more graphically portrayed than in the beautiful letter of Rev. J.S.C....

They Are Not Strangers, Mamma
Not long ago I stood by the deathbed of a little girl. From her birth she had been afraid of death. Every fiber of her body and soul...
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Carletta and the Merchant
“If I could have your faith, Hawkins, gladly would I - but I was born a skeptic. I cannot look upon God and the future as you do.” So...

Miraculously Healed
We extract the following from the Methodist Magazine for July, 1827, being an account of a conversion that occurred in a revival of...
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She Died For Him
A poor emigrant had gone to Australia to “make his fortune,” leaving a wife and little son in England. When he had made some money, he...
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