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A Great Revival in a Single Night
One of the most remarkable experiences we have had in seventeen years of evangelistic work, occurred in the spring of 1890. It will be...

A Prevailing Prayer of Mrs. Van Cott
In 1868, Mrs. Maggie Newton Van Cott held a revival meeting at Stone Ridge, Ulster Co., N. Y. At the opening of the meeting, she...

A Dying Child's Prayer for Her Drunken Father
A child from a poor family had an intemperate father, who often used to abuse his wife and children. This child had been to the...

How Three Sunday-School Children Met Their Fate
When the Lawrence Mills were on fire a number of years ago—I don’t mean on fire, but when the mill fell in—the great mill fell in, and...

The Famous “Praying Johnny”
This eminent saint of God labored in England during the early history of Methodism. His biographer, Harvey Leigh, says: “Our brother was...

“The Greatest Revival of the Christian Era”
Dr. Lyman Beecher said of the great revival in Rochester, N.Y., conducted by Mr. Finney, that it was the greatest revival in the...

He Blesses God for the Faith of His Girl
“I came home one night very late,” says the Rev. Matthew Hale Smith, in his Marvels of Prayer, “and had gone to bed to seek needed rest....

Kate Shelley's Bravery
Six years ago Miss Shelly won a gold medal from the Iowa Legislature, “and a wealth of admiration from all who read of her act of...

Remarkable Experience of C. H. Spurgeon
On his fiftieth birthday, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon was interviewed in reference to his long and eventful ministerial life, especially as to...

A Most Miraculous Escape
Mrs. C. Chipperfield, of Springfield, Ohio, sent us, in 1887, an account of several very clear and definite answers to prayer for the...

The Prodigal
The Rev. Theodore Clapp, for many years a minister of religion in the city of New Orleans, narrates the following incident, which...

A Mother's Prayer Answered
Trained religiously, I had reached a young man’s years before making a public profession of religion. Prior to my conversion, thoughts of...
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A Lesson for Mothers
A little girl once said: “Mother, does God ever scold?” She had seen her mother, under circumstances of strong provocation, lose her...
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There's the Lord's Answer
Many years ago, when in my country charge, I returned one afternoon from a funeral, fatigued with the day’s work. After a long ride, I...
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A Manifestation of Parental Love
There are some who reject Christianity because it seems to them incredible that God would have taken so much trouble, as the New...
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A Cyclone of Power and Glory in Answer to Prayer
At a convention of Christian workers, held in April, 1882, we witnessed a spiritual cyclone. Forty or fifty ministers and laymen of...

Dying Words of Miss Mary Willard
This devoted young lady was the sister of the well-known Frances E. Willard. She left this vale of tears June 8th, 1862. The record of...

A Mother's Faith - The Life of Beate Paulus
In a sketch of the life of Beate Paulus, the wife of a German minister who lived on the borders of the Black Forest, are several...

The Dying Babe
The following extract from an anonymous contribution in the New York Methodist, tells a story which many parents could adopt as their...
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The Wonderful Cure of Mrs. Sherman
Although there are so many cases of healing in answer to prayer, yet the incident of the healing of Mrs. Sherman is so minute, and...
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