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How a Little Girl Utilized the Telephone
A mother, living not very far from the post-office in this city, tired with watching over a sick baby, came down stairs for a moment the...
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They Are Not Strangers, Mamma
Not long ago I stood by the deathbed of a little girl. From her birth she had been afraid of death. Every fiber of her body and soul...
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The Golden Rule Exemplified
Early one morning while it was yet dark, a poor man came to my door and informed me that he had an infant child very sick, which he was...
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Carletta and the Merchant
“If I could have your faith, Hawkins, gladly would I - but I was born a skeptic. I cannot look upon God and the future as you do.” So...

She Died For Him
A poor emigrant had gone to Australia to “make his fortune,” leaving a wife and little son in England. When he had made some money, he...

Jessie Finding Jesus
A little girl in a wretched tenement in New York stood by her mother’s death-bed, and heard her last words: “Jessie, find Jesus.” When...
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The Stowaway
On board an English steamer, a little ragged boy, aged nine years, was discovered on the fourth day of the voyage out from Liverpool to...

The Converted Infidel
Some two miles from the village of C., on a road that wound in among the hills, stood a great white house. It was beautifully situated...

“Kiss Me, Mamma.”
The child was so sensitive, so like that little shrinking plant that curls at the breath, and shuts its heart from the light. The only...
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A Child's Prayer Answered
The following touching incident, which drew tears from eyes, was related to me a short time since, by a dear friend who had it from an...

The Young Martyr
On the afternoon of August 9, 1853, a little Norwegian boy, named Kund Iverson, who lived in the city of Chicago, Ill., was going to the...

The Conversion of Hudson Taylor
Hudson Taylor, founder of China Inland Mission, says that about 1830 his father became so interested in the spiritual condition of China,...

A Widow's Wonderful Deliverance
In the winter of 1855, in the state of Iowa, the snow fell early in November to the depth of two feet. The storm was such that man nor...

Healed of Diptheria
In the fall of 1885, our oldest boy, then two and one-half years old, was taken very ill. Diphtheria had for some time been raging to a...

Experience of a Minister's Wife on the Frontier
I remember a day during one winter that stands out like a boulder in my life. The weather was unusually cold. Our salary had not been...

For His Sake
You ask me “How did you come into these new notions of giving?” Well, it was this way: A year ago this winter our house took fire. It was...

Does this Railroad Lead to Heaven?
In traveling we often meet with persons of different nationalities and languages; we also meet with incidents of various character, some...

Dying Children and Youth
The grasp of the mind of childhood upon the great truths of religion is frequently felt most perceptibly when the little sufferers are...
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God's Care for the Widows & Orphans
At one of our children’s meetings last summer, I invited the conductor of the train running to Cincinnati (who was a Christian man) to...
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I’ll Never Steal Again - If Father Kills Me For It
A friend of mine, seeking for objects of charity, got into the room of a tenement house. It was vacant. He saw a ladder pushed through...
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